day 2

I think waking up in Paris has to be one of the best feelings in the whole world.  After a great nights sleep at our adorable apartment we headed out for the Palace of Versailles.  Everyone that we know that had gone to Paris told us that we couldn’t miss out and after looking up a few pictures we knew we had to go.

We walked to a bakery a street over on our way out and I finally got my almond croissant.  I had been putting off getting one until Paris so it was a much anticipated moment.  In the end, totes worth the wait it was sooo good and I want one every morning of my life.  If I could wake up everyday in Paris to an almond croissant I think that would be a pretty ideal life.  Anyway, after a quick breakfast we were on our way.

The train ride to Versailles only took about 35 min and was super easy to get to.  The town around the castle is super sweet so we walked through and took it all in on our way.  The palace itself is more beautiful than you can imagine.  The gates and trim glisten the most stunning gold when the sun hits them it’s really almost breathtaking and that’s just the front.  After deciding to splurge for the 7 euro gardens ticket, we walked through the back hedges and flower beds.  Everything is ridiculously perfectly manicured and impeccable.  There was classical music playing from a collection of mysterious speakers that also added to the magical ambiance of the place.

As the mature University students that we are, me, Mad, and Kels decided to re-create all the statues we saw throughout the garden (see pictures below).  People really got a kick out of this and we were happy to get the pictures and make the other tourists laugh.  After a couple hours at the Palace, it was time to move to our next destination for the day- the tower round II.

Of course we went back to the Eiffel Tower.  It’s not even that pretty of a structure, very industrial and a little rusted, but something about it is just so amazing.  We sat under it again, had some bread, and watched all the cute couples.  We saw another engagement that involved at least 100 red roses and lots of ring selfies.  When we had had enough of the lovefest, we moved on to grab some dinner at a place that had been recommended by one of our Fordham friends.  She told us we had to get the French Onion soup and I mean when in France am I right?

The St. Regis was a bit pricey and we could really only afford the soup but it was for sure worth it.  Totally delish I would definitely recommend and go back next time I find myself in Paris (hopefully soon).  At dinner we all agreed a movie night was in the cards because we were way too tired for anything else.  Paris is the best 🙂

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