day 3

After sleeping in (again), we all rushed to get ready so we could make it to the Four Seasons across the street before they stopped serving breakfast.  Thankfully we made it with a few minutes to spare.  Breakfast was delish and the hotel was beautiful!

Me and MJ spent a lot of time walking around the city and squeezed in as much as we could!  Museum and sculpture hunting lead us to the Franz Kafka museum, the communism memorial, a huge silver rotating head sculpture, some big babies, and a really nice hike up to the top of the city.  Seeing it from the top was really beautiful and it was nice to be out in the cold fresh air for most of the day.

Walking through without knowing exactly where we were going made our walking tour even more adventure-y.  Although it was chilly, walking around the old buildings and through the park was awesome.  MJ is an awesome travel partner because she’s always ready and willing to explore and try new things.  She kept me motivated and going even though my cold wasn’t making me feel so hot.

For our last meal in Prague we headed to meet TJ at the cutest little pub he had found tucked away on an adorable cobblestone side street.  He’s so good at making friends with people and knowing the spots to be.  I couldn’t have asked for a better duo to spend my break with.

After dinner, we headed back and packed all our stuff for Vienna.  A first class train ride was awaiting us so we had to get our beauty sleep.  Czech Prague off the list (get it?)!!!!

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