day 1

My first real European train ride was a success!  Coming into this semester, I was under the impression that the Eurostar was a reliable and reasonable source of transportation for the average college student.  I pictured myself train-ing it everywhere, watching the landscapes and countryside scenery fly past.  I was wrong.  Taking the train is usually at least double the cost of flying and about five times the cost of a good ol’ overnight bus.  So, needless to say I was pretty pumped when MJ and TJ told me were were sitting in comfort class and it would only take about three hours to Vienna.

After arriving in Austria, we went straight to the hotel.  Yes hotel not hostel!!!!  It was glorious.  The staff was super nice, restaurant was delish, rooms were stunning and so spacious, everything about it was perfect.  Pretty sure it was the nicest hotel I’ve ever stayed in and probably will ever stay in (especially if I continue down the road of working for non-profits).  Anyways, it was wonderful and I could’ve stayed for many weeks.

Since it was our first day, we walked around a bit to get ourselves oriented.  Vienna reminded of New York City in a lot of ways so obviously I fell in love.  The combination of old buildings, churches, graffiti, cafes, and high end shops created a unique and exciting vibe.  It was (sadly) also TJs only day in Vienna before he had to head back to the US for work so we got in a couple sites and good meals before he had to hit the road.

Overall it was a great first day!  Vienna thanks for waiting for us!!! (I hope you people get the Billy Joel reference)


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